Driving the flags abroad without hitting a cow
Wales, Ireland, Ulster, Scotland, Isle of Skye, the Midlands
article DNA, Strasbourg, 4 juillet 2007
Summer 07: from the 3d July to the 14th August, 6758 kilometers
+ the 5 last kilometers on a trailer after the last traffic lights
arriving to my house because of the broken first axle of the gearbox.
1044 liters petrol, no drop of water and no drop of oil,
1 liter in the gearbox (leackage from the universal joint housing).
6 punctured innertubes, 3 broken shock absorber mountings... Oh! Irish roads...
Teared sinews (arm & finger) by fitting my sixth innertube and gaiter in the Dunvegan Campsite.
I had also to retighten the 8 castle nuts of the front axle, crawling a "rainy" morning long on the sodden tarmac.
The axle wanted to take his own way. The day after, I layed in Arrochar in my tent with flu.
Complete dismounting of the brakedrums after the Highlands to clean them with petrol. Results: good brakes + sciatica.
Loch Lyon, Grampian Mountains, Highlands.
12 dramatic and scenic miles in first gear in the Hotchkiss AM2, 1925 / 26...
(to see the pix click on yellow titles)
La roadmap voyage
( day trips not included)
1] From Wales to Ireland
2] West Cork, Kerry, Clare, Moher and Burren, Galway, Ulster
3] Driving tests by Lord O'Neill, Shane's Castle, Antrim, Ulster
competitors speaking about me and my big journey: "He must have a disease!"
4] Belfast to Stranraer, Loch Lomond, Loch Leven, Loch Lyon,
Kyle of Lochalsh, Dunvegan in Isle of Skye
people of Dunvegan speaking about me and my big journey: "The mad prof!"
5] Dunvegan, Isle of Skye, Arrochar and Loch Fyne, Midlands, Dover
The last three days were not a delightful drive through the counties. I have had Sciatica since the Campsite in Darlington, 100 miles in the north of Kingston upon Hull where I wanted to take my Ferry to Zeebrugge.
But sitting behind the steeringwheel was much better for my mad left leg, so I decided to have a long driving day towards Dover. I was not able to make three steps and I called some times in the Services Stations for help to fill up the tank.
Nevertheless for all this, I have had the best hollidays I ever had.
Isle of Skye and the Highlands are a symphony in a vintage car.
Im Glencoe saß ich am Steuer zwischen Herrlichkeit und Ventilen, zwischen Landschaften und Schläuchen, den Göttern und mechanischen Gegebenheiten so nahe. Ich war nur noch Augen voller Erlebnisse und gedankenlos. Sechs Wochen lang.
In the Glencoe I sat behind the steeringwheel between haeven and valves, landscapes and innertubes.
I was at least wondering eyes and thoughtless. For six weeks.
Thank you to: Bill & Jane Clarke, Ballymena, Northern Ireland,
Colin Campbell, Kinloch Camping Park, Dunvegan, Isle of Skye, Scotland
the farmer of the Loch Lyon, Highlands, Scotland,
Margaret Willetts and her husband, Darlington, Co. Durham
Loch Lyon, Glencoe, Highlands. 12 miles in first gear in the Hotchkiss AM2.
I was realy lost on this shepard way, and it was not possible to half turn, only a green screen on the GPS.
On the other side of the Loch Lyon a farmer pumped the horn of an old Land Rover and with his arms he let me understand that I have to drive further. Arrived on his farm with a little little backyard he saw me like a marsman and he was so happy that he gave me a horn from a deer of the Trossachs National Park ...
Driving Tests, Shanes Castle, Antrim, Ulster
English, Welsh, Irish and Scottish Drivers are extremly polite on the roads.
Continentals should have a look on their own behaviour!________________________________________________________________
Colin Campbell, Kinloch Campsite: email Dunvegan of Macleod, Isle of Skye, Scotland
email and webside Campsite near Darlington, in the north of Kingston upon Hull
email and webside
Vue from the Campsite, Ireland
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